The therapeutic application of electromagnetic energy has two approaches:
- INVASIVE, direct application of direct current to the tissue
- NON-INVASIVE, indirect action on the inside of the human body.
Non-invasive methods of treatment are descended from the first experiences with radars, when it was discovered that microwaves raise the body temperature of living organisms.
The discovery that the outside can change the energy of particles (ions) in the blood and tissues and affect their way and speed of movement, applied in PEMF therapy even in 1979.
More 1946 Glajhman (C. Gleichmann) began with the application of PEMF therapeutic purposes. The first and main study and a study of electromagnetic energy on biological systems were carried out at Mayo (Mayo) Clinic 1958 Americans Basset (Basset) and Pila (Pill), Columbia University carried out fundamental research in the field of action of electromagnetic waves on crystalloid protein macromolecules collagen (bones, connective tissue), and described the emergence of the so-called. “Electret phenomenon”, which corresponds to the piezoelectric phenomenon protein group.
Thus, in numerous experiments convinced of the beneficial effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on the human body.
In medicine, there are several approaches to the treatment of PEMF therapy, but the main idea in all cases the same.
It’s always about the packages lower frequency in which the “packed” more frequency.
Described fields have a beneficial effect on the human body.
We will describe only some experience confirmed for thousands of patients with no observed adverse effects.
The first devices that generate PEM fields were designed to preserve the calcium in the bones of cosmonauts. The corresponding component of the PEM field has the task of establishing a more vibrant movement of calcium in the blood.
The second component of PEM field affects bone cells by in their shell creates a negative potential gradient, which draws positive calcium ions. These devices are now built into each astronaut suit. A variety of similar devices have been developed for mass use in medicine.
Experience shows that PEM fields ally outstanding people in accelerating the healing of fresh fractures, rehabilitation of rheumatic diseases and to preserve the jaw bone under the denture.
It was also noted that due to the livelier playing the electrochemical processes in the body in the presence of PEM fields (instead of the classical methods of chemistry), PEMF devices eliminate the moment, but for a long time, disorders of blood circulation, some psychosomatic disorders, painful conditions, and to reduce the required doses of drugs for chronic patients.
The prospect of mass use of small individalnih PEMF apparatus is almost certain, and that will be supplemented by classical medicine. It is known that top athletes use such devices, thus achieving a kind of electronic doping. Experiments have proven that PEMF devices to help vulnerable people and chronic patients to easily submit changes in meteorological conditions.
The sun sends to earth every second one KW electromagnetic energy per square meter. When the scientists managed to reproduce in the laboratory portion of the electromagnetic radiation of higher frequency (X-ray, 1895), it was observed that such radiation carry energy that destroys the molecules, turning them into ions. Therefore, this kind of radiation called ionizing radiation, and the entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves is divided into frequency non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.
The first dramatic experience of a man with no ionizing radiation originating from the period of the Second World War. The invention of radar (microwave device), made a number of visual impairment, sterility and burns people who worked on them. Once the radar has created devices that are used in various fields, in medicine it is coffee dijatermiju – thermal treatment in a household that has a microwave, etc. All devices are designed to meet at least so far known safety criteria, although common in the public controversy in the scientific community about the real effects of these devices.
The achieved level of technical development has enabled the conquest of how high, and low frequency.
Thus, for example, a submarine underwater communication at very low frequencies (below 100Hz), since the higher frequency electromagnetic waves do not propagate through the water. Antennas for such communication seem kilometers of transmission lines and affect the entire globe. To begin to disrupt the lives of whales, because they orient by means of electromagnetic waves of similar frequency. Suicides nasukavnjem whales in shallow attributed to problems of orientation, whether as a result of the use of these antennas.
Also, not so long ago, the newspapers were able to read the mutual accusations superpower that emit the least low-frequency electromagnetic waves cause depressed mood in the whole parts of the continent. Judging by the conspicuous absence of information in this area, senses that it is something very important and interesting. (HAARP discussion).
Apart from the Sun, a natural source of electromagnetic fields and the Earth itself. Its surface and the ionosphere form a huge capacitor, which represents a positive ionosphere and the ground negatively charged electrode. This capacitor is charging somewhere around 100 times per second over thunders around the world. Number storm with thunder is more or less constant. The world takes place 1500 – 2000 by storm with lightning strikes every hour, and every minute strikes about 6,000 lightning. Electricity in thunder reaches a strength of 10 – 40 thousand amperes. Since the atmosphere is not a perfect insulator, that through it, there are currents that odvodnosti empty capacitor.
All together, it results in a strong electric field, a very low frequency, which is the average intensity of 130 V / m. Field intensity decreases with altitude, and also depends on temperature and humidity. Thus, in the Sahara measured fields and up to 1500V / m, with reverse polarity from that described. During the storm the field and registered to 3000V / m. Due to continuous electrical discharges in the atmosphere, there are a lot of positive and negative ions.
Negative ions are extremely important for the processes of oxidation and respiration, and their absence causes the death of experimental animals.
The environment in which man lives today is full of “consumers” of negative ions. These are, first of all, all glass surfaces and all electrical devices. So today, in these areas, especially if they are without the possibility of natural ventilation, installed artificial sources of negative ions (ionization). Many factories now mass-produced, these devices in air conditioners, TVs, etc. The problem is much more difficult to resolve if the micro-climatic conditions in an environment such as to cause scarcity of natural negative ions.
The epitome of Budapest, where winds causing positive ions, creating a huge imbalance relationship of positive and negative ions. This phenomenon is associated with a large number of suicides and depressed people in this city. Also, any change in the weather wears a change of concentration of negative ions, which reflects on the human body.
Solving the problem of PEM offers field. People who wear small PEMF devices, substantially easier to weather changes.
In the exploration of magnetic therapy were sent to two different areas:
- pulsating bioelectric magnetic therapy
- permanent magnet therapy.
Probably 85 to 90% of the scientific literature related to pulsating bioelectric biomagnetic therapy, other relates to the treatment with permanent magnets.
No patents favoring by the results of any method. So here is not the aim of referring to any method, but to consider the positive effects of these therapies regardless of origin. Equipment and devices that are still developing differ in the basic mechanisms of magnetic therapy, gdi is the central question of polarity and other issues. This is an attempt to display the experiences and results achieved by responsible scientists and medical representatives for the specific areas of bio-electromagnetism – BEM.
This is not false advertising for results that will indicate what sources the results are more qualified MD, Ph.D. Scientific researchers and clinics that work for years to electromagnetic fields.
One of them Dr. William Pawluk from Chicago, a member of the Board authorized physicists for Canada and the USA. It is also an assistant professor of School of Hygiene and Public Health School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Pawluk is vice president of the North American Academy of Magnetic Therapy, writes occasionally on magnetism and magnetic therapy combined with acupuncture from their practices.
Other invited John Zimmerman, Ph.D. one of the world authorities, and USA among the first connoisseurs of magnetism. President of the Bio-Electro-Magnetic Institute, an independent, educated researcher probably best acquainted bioelektromagnetizma. Dr. Zimmerman published periodically superb work on the effects of the application of permanent magnets in a double-blind (examination of the groups and that they do not know), and placebo-controlled (mental control). It is also a member of the North American Academy of magnetic therapy.