Although there is no fundamental base, systematized, literature on the application of BEM medical ultimate research strategy of this phenomenon is quite divided.
Therefore BEM potential in the treatment of many diseases, through research program should include basic and clinical research.
The two approaches need to be resolved due to parallel investigations.
Basic research must develop new BEM technology with the aim of establishing the basic knowledge about the influence of external electromagnetic fields on the body and its application in the treatment.
A basic understanding of the human body BEM can provide insight into the scientific principles of bioenergy and other forms of alternative medicine (acupuncture, energy therapy).
Basic knowledge BEM principles of the human body associated with mental and physical conditions can help to understand the regulation of body and mind.
Clinical trials and pre-clinical tests are the main goal of most BEM treatment in diagnostics, from small to large applications.
Although there are a large number of BEM devices they need to be verified in humans to demonstrate their effectiveness.
Measurement of clinical efficacy and safety require FDA approval.
Finally, knowledge of the safety device can be secured clinical trials.