Examination of the impact of BEM fields on the living world and humans, as well as the characteristics of pulsed electromagnetic fields, dealt with the following institutions and experts:
- Belgrade University Clinic
- Military Medical Academy, Belgrade
- School of Medicine, Novi Sad
- Department of Preventive medical care, Zagreb
- Military Hospital Zagreb
- University Clinic Ljubljana
- Health Center Celje
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Belgrade
Experts from these institutions are responsible, because their expertise and objectivity contribute to the recognition of a new scientific thought.
- Academician Professor. dr. Antony Škokljev, oral surgeon – acupuncture, consultant to the World Health Organization
- Dr sci. med. Radmila Stojkovski, spec. Medicine is work – acupuncture
- dr. Mihajlo Radovanovic, spec. dermatovenerolog
- dr. Radovan Trotter, spec. epidemiologist
- Slavko Bokan, spec. med. Labour – acupuncture
- Trajan Ćosevski, spec. neurologist and psychiatrist
- Branislav Katic, spec. otolaryngologist
- Dušan Bjelajac, pulmonologist
- Branko Mežnar, spec. internist – pulmonologist and allergist
- sci. med. Milos Kosanovic spec. orthopaedist
- dr. sci. Dragan Manojlovic, spec. endocrinologist
- Branko Nešović, spec. surgeon
- dr. sci. med. Aleksandar Djurovic, spec. physical Medicine
- dr. Deže Sep, spec. fizijatar
- dr. Risto Čanev
- dr. sci. Predrag Djordjevic, Spec. for Cardiovascular Surgery
- dr. sci. Olga Popovic – Mladenovic, physiatrist
Their research and application is affirmed through ELF therapeutic devices, removing the established ailments in humans and their faster recovery.